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4 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Weight Management Journey

Even though you’re on a journey, remember to stay present in the moment.

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We know that taking time for mindfulness may play a role in improving our sleep and reducing our stress. And as it turns out, mindfulness may also have an impact on weight management.  

Research shows, for example, that people who made changes to their eating habits while learning mindfulness were better able to manage their weight in the long term.

And you don’t have to be a mindfulness expert to see the benefits. You can also think about mindfulness as it relates to your daily habits. As you continue on your weight management journey, try asking yourself: am I being mindful or mindless in my habits?

For example, when we eat mindlessly, we’re more likely to eat things that we’re not actually hungry for. Mindless eating happens when we don’t pay attention to how we feel, emotionally or physically. It is more likely to occur when we’re scrolling on our phones or watching TV while eating.

Mindful eating is just one example of mindfulness. You can also bring moments of mindfulness to other habits throughout the day. If you want to bring mindfulness into your weight management journey, here are some Microsteps that may help. As always, consult with your care team for recommendations and guidelines that can be tailored for you.

While brushing your teeth, remind yourself of your “why.”

Sometimes we’re so focused on what we’re doing that we forget why we’re trying to make changes. Try this simple exercise to reflect on why you want to lose weight. For example, maybe you want to boost your self-esteem, or be able to play with your kids without feeling exhausted.

Before you eat, pause to ask yourself if you’re really hungry.

If you find yourself reaching for a snack when you’re stressed, distracted, or bored, pause and try a stress management technique that may serve you better, like a moment of deep breathing or taking a short walk.

At each meal, pay attention to how your food looks, smells, and tastes.

Being mindful of the experience of eating may help you feel more satisfied by nutritious foods.

Take a stretch break and focus on your breath.

Movement can be mindful, too. Take a few minutes during the day to stretch, even if you feel busy. Focus on your breathing as you stretch and allow yourself to be present in the moment. 

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We’ve chosen these behavior change resources because they may help you do just that. Wherever you are on your care journey, we hope these articles and videos will inspire and empower you.

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